

模型时间表 柴油技术

DETC 105柴油车间安全 
DETC 110柴油服务基础
DETC 115 柴油发动机, 电, and Drive Train Components and Systems Preventive Maintenance
DETC 120柴油车制动、悬架 & 转向和驾驶室部件系统预防性维护
DETC 125柴油燃料和供应系统
CIS 111计算机概论

DETC 150柴油机技术
DETC 155柴油机实验室
DETC 160基本电力
DETC 220柴油设备HVAC

DETC 210车辆电子操作,诊断和故障排除
DETC 215中型和重型制动系统
DETC 165液压导论
理论物理 106日常生活中的物理学

DETC 250手动,自动/自动变速
DETC 265基本焊接和制造
DETC 266柴油设备传动系统

总学分 76


DETC 105(1学分)


《皇冠信用盘》介绍了柴油行业的安全概况, 包括OSHA要求的介绍. 强调柴油车间的安全. Instructor demonstrations and student hands on training in common shop safety practices, i.e., 个人防护用品, 消防和出口, 易燃及可燃液体, 机保护, 电气安全, 锁定/标记, 预防跌倒也被彻底覆盖了. 学生还将完成SP-2在线安全培训课程.

DETC 110(3学分)


柴油服务基础介绍了柴油工业的概述, 包括介绍柴油车辆及其系统. 包括柴油服务领域的工作. Safety in the Diesel Shop, including the proper use of hand and power tools is demonstrated. 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 正确的车辆起吊和顶升程序, 螺纹切割和修补, 紧固件, 转矩, 扭矩与屈服的比值也被完全涵盖了. 讨论了包括USC和公制在内的测量系统. Students will receive hands on training using most of the common diesel precision measurement tools including micrometers, 拨号指标, 生指标, 扭力扳手. Students will also receive training on common tools and equipment found in a modern diesel shop. This includes: grinders, drill press, hydraulic press, and many more shop tools and equipment.

DETC 115(3学分)

柴油发动机, 电, and Drive Train Components and Systems Preventive Maintenance (PMI)

柴油发动机, 电, and Drive Train Components and System Preventive Maintenance presents an overview of the Diesel Systems and how they are inspected and maintained. 讨论并演示了柴油车维修的行业流程. 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 柴油机维修及检查, 传动系统的维护和检查, 和电气/电子系统的维护和检查. The tasks included in this Course are entry level Technician skills and designed to introduce the student to correct procedures and practices of vehicle maintenance and inspection in a teaching/learning environment.

DETC 120(2学分)

柴油车辆制动、转向 & 悬挂、驾驶室部件和系统预防性维护(PMI)

柴油车辆制动、转向 & 悬架, 和出租车 Components and System Preventive Maintenance presents an overview of the Diesel Vehicle Systems and how they are Maintained. 讨论并演示了柴油车维修的行业流程. 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e.柴油车空气和液压制动器的维修和检查,转向 &悬挂系统维护和检查,驾驶室维护和检查. The tasks included in in this Course are entry level Technician skills and designed to introduce the student to correct procedures and practices of vehicle inspection in a teaching/learning environment.

DETC 125(3学分)


柴油燃料和供应系统 presents an overview of the Diesel Fuel Delivery Systems. 指令从补给罐开始,包括管线, 过滤器, 传输泵, and injector types and includes Instructor demonstrations and student hands on training in the most common fuel system preventative maintenance, 诊断, 和维修. 学生还将接受商店实践方面的培训.e., 检查油箱和油管, 低压燃油系统组件, 高压系统组件. Students will receive hands on training using most of the common diesel fuel system diagnostic tools including electronic diagnostic equipment.

DETC 150(4学分)


柴油发动机技术介绍了柴油发动机的概述, 柴油机部件, 柴油发动机系统及操作. 工业程序处理柴油发动机进行了讨论和示范. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 柴油机气缸盖和气门机构, 引擎块, 润滑系统, 冷却系统, 空气吸入和排气系统, 和发动机制动器. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the 柴油发动机, 柴油机系统, 及柴油机部件.

DETC 155(3学分)


柴油机技术实验室 provides hands on training and skill acquisition from the 柴油发动机 Course. 柴油发动机实验室介绍了柴油发动机的概述, 柴油机部件, 柴油发动机系统及操作. 工业程序处理柴油发动机进行了讨论和示范. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 柴油机气缸盖和气门机构, 引擎块, 润滑系统, 冷却系统, 空气吸入和排气系统, 和发动机制动器. 每个学生都将拆卸, 测量组件, 诊断磨损和/或故障, 并重新组装一台柴油机. The tasks included in this course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the 柴油发动机, 柴油机系统, 及柴油机部件.

DETC 160(3学分)


柴油电力基础课程是对柴油电力系统的概述, 电池系统, 起动系统, 充电系统, 照明系统, 和出租车 & 底盘电气系统. Industry procedures dealing with the 电 Systems are discussed and demonstrated. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e.,基本电学理论,12- & 24伏电池系统, 发动机起动系统, 单元收费系统, 车辆照明系统, 及车辆驾驶室 & 底盘电气系统. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of Basic 电 Principles and specific skills as related to a Diesel Vehicle.

DETC 165(3学分)


水力学概论 Course is an overview of Hydraulic Systems used in Diesel Powered Equipment. Hydraulic power is used to assist the operator to perform tasks otherwise impossible to complete. 流体动力被用来移动和举起重物. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e.,基础液压理论,液压泵,过滤/蓄水池,软管,配件 & 连接,控制阀和执行器. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of Basic Hydraulic Principles and specific skills as related to Diesel Powered Equipment.

DETC 205(3学分)


柴油发动机电子燃料系统, 操作, 和诊断介绍了柴油发动机电子燃料系统的概述. 它涵盖了使用电子设备进行故障排除, 诊断, 修理现代电脑燃料系统. Industry procedures dealing with Electronic Fuel Systems are discussed and demonstrated. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 识别燃油电子系统组件和配置, 执行系统性能测试, 并负责电子燃油系统的维修和保养. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the 柴油发动机 Electronic Fuel System.

DETC 210(3学分)


车辆电子操作, 诊断, 和故障排除介绍了车辆电子系统的概述. 它涵盖了使用电子设备进行故障排除, 诊断, 修理现代车辆系统. Industry procedures dealing with Vehicle Electronic Systems are discussed and demonstrated. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 识别车辆电子系统部件和配置, 执行系统性能测试, 以及维修和保养车辆电子系统. 这些系统包括:身体控制器, 诊断软件, 多路复用, 废气处理系统. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the Diesel Vehicle Electronic Systems.

DETC 215(4学分)


中型和重型制动系统 presents an overview of the Vehicle Braking Systems. 它包括液压和空气制动系统. 研究了现代汽车的液压和空气制动系统. The course includes standard repair and service procedures for; hydraulic systems, 液压系统基础部件, 空气系统, 空气系统基础组件, 鼓式和盘式制动系统, 动力辅助和驻车制动系统. 防抱死制动系统故障排除, 牵引力控制系统, 车辆稳定性也包括在内.

DETC 220(3学分)


柴油设备暖通空调介绍了柴油设备加热的概述, 通风, 空调系统及操作. 讨论并演示了处理暖通空调系统的工业程序. This course includes 教师示范和学生的实际操作培训.e., 识别HVAC系统组件和配置, 确认制冷剂类型, 执行系统性能测试, 维修和维护暖通空调系统控制. The tasks included in this Course are designed to give the student a thorough understanding of the Diesel Equipment HVAC System, 和控制.

DETC 250(4学分)


The 手动,自动/自动变速 Course presents an overview of transmissions used in modern Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks. 它包括这些变速器的维护和修理. The course includes standard repair and service procedures for; manual transmissions, 自动变速器, 还有自动换挡变速箱. 解决噪音投诉和换挡问题, 包括电子和空气转换也包括在内.

DETC 255(3学分)


指导, 悬架, and Alignment Course presents an overview of how these systems are used in modern Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks. 它涵盖了这些系统的维护和修理. The course includes standard repair and service procedures for; manual and power steering systems, 空气和弹簧悬挂系统, 检查和调整车辆对中. 故障排除指导, 悬架, 处理投诉和修复这些系统问题也包括在内.

DETC 260(3学分)


The 基本焊接与制造 Course presents an overview of how these skills are used in the modern Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck Shop. 本课程包括基本的蓝图阅读、氧气燃料加热、切割和焊接. 它还提供等离子弧切割,棒和MIG焊接的培训. 这些初级技能在卡车修理厂使用, 拖车修理和制造设施, 以及农业/重型设备修理厂.


DETC 265(3学分)


The 柴油设备传动系统 Course presents an overview of how these systems are used in modern Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks. 它涵盖了这些系统的维护和修理. The course includes standard repair and service procedures for; clutch, 传动轴和万向节, 驱动轴, 轮轴承, 还有轮胎和轮子. Troubleshooting and repairing these systems is a key skill needed for today’s technician.